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After the First Death.
Medienart: book2.png
Autor:Cormier, Robert
Titel:After the First Death
Verlag:Berlin: Cornelsen-Velhagen
Signatur:Studienbereich Englisch
Auflage:1. Aufl.,12. Dr.
Schlagworte:Englisch ; englische Lektüre ; Entführung ; Thriller ; Bus ; Mut ; Angst ; Tod
Umfangsangabe:204 S.
Exemplarzahl:1 Exemplare, 1 verfügbar, 0 verliehen
Inhaltsangabe:A bus full of children ist held by hijackers on a bridge above a ravine. Inside the bus a war of nerves is waged between the hijacker Miro and the driver of the bus Kate. Meanwhile, Ben, the son of the general, is slowly being brought into the centre of the drama by his father. In this thriller, bravery, patriotism an fear are examined as the young characters await the first death.
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